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Atishi directs chief secy to file report on water issues, sewage overflow

Delhi water minister Atishi on Monday directed chief secretary Naresh Kumar to resolve all complaints related to the overflow of sewage, water contamination, and water pipeline leaks by Friday, March 15, and asked him to provide her with daily updates on the work undertaken.
Atishi also asked the senior bureaucrat to provide her with a detailed report on the steps taken by Thursday, adding that she will present the report in the Delhi assembly on Friday, and asked Kumar to be personally present in the House at that time.
The development comes two days after the assembly on March 9 passed a resolution, urging immediate action to address water scarcity in different parts of the city along with issues of sewage overflow, and directed the chief secretary to fix the problems within a week.
“In the budget session of the Delhi Legislative Assembly, issues related to sewer overflow, water contamination, and water pipeline leakage have been repeatedly brought up by the MLAs. On 09.03.2024, many MLAs sent their complaints to the Hon’ble Speaker. The issue was of such great magnitude that the Hon’ble Speaker cancelled the discussion under Rule 280 so that issues regarding the Delhi Jal Board could be discussed. The problems related to water contamination and sewer overflow have become so severe in Delhi that people in the National Capital are being forced to live in inhabitable conditions,” Atishi said in a letter to Kumar.
HT has seen a copy of the letter.
The minister also underlined that the chief secretary is personally responsible for the resolution of public grievances raised by MLAs related to water and sewerage issues.
“In light of the above, the Chief Secretary is hereby directed: 1. To resolve all aforementioned complaints by 15.03.2024, as well as to ensure that long term solutions are initiated by then. 2. Send reports by 6.00 PM every day to the undersigned regarding the progress on resolving these grievances. 3. Provide a detailed report to the undersigned by 14.03.2024 for presenting before the Assembly on 15.03.2024, 4. Remain personally present in the Assembly on 15.03.2024,” she said.
Separately, speaker Ram Niwas Goel, in a letter, brought the passing of the resolution in the House to the notice of the chief secretary.
In response to the letters, Kumar wrote to the urban development additional chief secretary, a copy of which was marked to DJB CEO, and ordered that a daily action taken report be provided concerning 42 grievances received from the Speaker by 5.30 pm every day, and the same can be submitted to the water minister.
Kumar said that the matter must be given top priority, and a compiled action taken report must be provided by 6.30pm on Wednesday.
