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Constable held for taking

A team of the Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested constable Vikas, posted at Durga Shakti-2 in Gurugram district, red-handed while allegedly taking a bribe of ₹20,000. The accused cop was demanding a bribe from the complainant in lieu of not raiding his fast-food shop located in Sector 33.
An official spokesperson said the ACB team received a complaint in this regard in which the complainant said that accused constable Vikas was threatening to raid his fast-food shop located in Sector 33 by a CIA Gurugram team on the pretext of drugs.
The spokesperson stated that after investigating the matter, the ACB team planned to catch the accused and arrested him red-handed while taking a bribe of ₹20,000 in Hansi.
A case has been registered against the accused at the Hisar ACB Police Station.
